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LoCC: Any AC General Works: Collections, Series, Collected works, Pamphlets AE General Works: Encyclopedias AG General Works: Dictionaries and other general reference books AM General Works: Museums, Collectors and collecting AP General Works: Periodicals AS General Works: Academies and International Associations, Congresses AY General Works: Yearbooks, Almanacs, Directories AZ General Works: History of scholarship and learning, The humanities B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion BC Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Logic BD Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Speculative Philosophy, General Philosophical works BF Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Psychology, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis BH Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Aesthetics BJ Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Ethics, Social usages, Etiquette, Religion BL Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Religion: General, Miscellaneous and Atheism BM Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Judaism BP Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy, Other and new beliefs BQ Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Buddhism BR Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity BS Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity: The Bible, Old and New Testament BT Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity: Doctrinal theology, God, Christology BV Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity: Practical theology, Worship BX Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity: Churches, Church movements CB History: History of civilization CC History: Archaeology CE History: Technical Chronology, Calendar CJ History: Numismatics CN History: Inscriptions, Epigraphy CR History: Heraldry CS History: Genealogy CT History: Biography D History: General and Eastern Hemisphere D501 History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: World War I D731 History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: World War II DA History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Great Britain, Ireland, Central Europe DB History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia DC History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: France, Andorra, Monaco DD History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Germany DE History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: The Mediterranean Region, The Greco-Roman World DF History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Greece DG History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Italy, Vatican City, Malta DH History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg DJ History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Netherlands DJK History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Eastern Europe DK History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland DL History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Northern Europe, Scandinavia DP History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Spain, Portugal DQ History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Switzerland DR History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Balkan Peninsula, Turkey DS History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Asia DT History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Africa DU History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: History of Oceania (South Seas) DX History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: History of Romanies E011 History: America: America E151 History: America: United States E186 History: America: Colonial History E201 History: America: Revolution E300 History: America: Revolution to the Civil War E456 History: America: Civil War period E660 History: America: Late nineteenth century E740 History: America: Twentieth century E838 History: America: Later twentieth century E895 History: America: Twenty-first century F001 United States local history: New England F1001 North America local history: Canada F106 United States local history: Atlantic coast. Middle Atlantic States F1201 North America local history: Mexico F1401 Latin America local history: General F1461 Latin America local history: Guatemala F1481 Latin America local history: El Salvador F1501 Latin America local history: Honduras F1521 Latin America local history: Nicaragua F1541 Latin America local history: Costa Rica F1561 Latin America local history: Panama F1601 History of the Americas: West Indies F1751 History of the Americas: West Indies. Cuba F1861 History of the Americas: West Indies. Jamaica F1900 West Indies local history: Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic) F1951 West Indies local history: Puerto Rico F2001 History of the Americas: Lesser Antilles F206 United States local history: The South. South Atlantic States F2131 History of the Americas: West Indies. British West Indies F2155 History of the Americas: Caribbean area. Caribbean sea F2201 Latin America local history: South America. General F2251 Latin America local history: Colombia F2301 Latin America local history: Venezuela F2351 Latin America local history: Guiana F2501 Latin America local history: Brazil F2661 Latin America local history: Paraguay F2701 Latin America local history: Uruguay F2801 Latin America local history: Argentina F296 United States local history: Gulf States. West Florida F3051 Latin America local history: Chile F3301 Latin America local history: Bolivia F3401 Latin America local history: Peru F350.5 United States local history: Mississippi River and Valley. Middle West F3701 Latin America local history: Ecuador F396 United States local history: Old Southwest. Lower Mississippi Valley F476 United States local history: Old Northwest. Northwest Territory F516 United States local history: Ohio River and Valley. F590.3 United States local history: The West. Trans-Mississippi Region. Great Plains F721 United States local history: Rocky Mountains. Yellowstone National Park F786 United States local history: New Southwest. Colorado River, Canyon, and Valley F850.5 United States local history: Pacific States F975 United States local history: Central American, West Indian, and other countries protected by and having close political affiliations with the United States G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation GA Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Mathematical geography, Cartography GB Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Physical geography GC Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Oceanography GF Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Human ecology, Anthropogeography GN Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Anthropology GR Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Folklore GT Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Manners and customs GV Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Recreation, Leisure H Social sciences HA Social sciences: Statistics HB Social sciences: Economic theory, Demography HC Social sciences: Economic history and conditions, Special topics HD Social sciences: Economic history and conditions, Production HE Social sciences: Transportation and communications HF Social sciences: Commerce HG Social sciences: Finance HJ Social sciences: Public finance HM Social sciences: Sociology HN Social sciences: Social history and conditions, Social problems HQ Social sciences: The family, Marriage, Sex and Gender HS Social sciences: Societies: secret, benevolent, etc. HT Social sciences: Communities, Classes, Races HV Social sciences: Social pathology, Social and Public Welfare HX Social sciences: Socialism, Communism, Anarchism J Political science JA Political science: Political science JC Political science: Political theory JF Political science: Political institutions and public administration JK Political science: Political inst. and pub. Admin.: United States JL Political science: Political inst. and pub. Admin.: America JN Political science: Political inst. and pub. Admin.: Europe JQ Political science: Political inst. and pub. Admin.: Asia, Africa and Oceania JS Political science: Local government, Municipal government JV Political science: Colonies and colonization, International migration JX Political science: International law JZ Political science: International relations K Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence KBM Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Jewish law KBR Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: History of canon law KD Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: United Kingdom and Ireland KDZ Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: America, North America KE Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Canada KF Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: United States KH Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: South America KJ Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Europe KL Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica KN Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia KNX Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Japan KP Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia KZ Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Law of nations L Education LA Education: History of education LB Education: Theory and practice of education LC Education: Special aspects of education LD Education: Individual institutions: United States LE Education: Individual institutions: America (except US) LF Education: Individual institutions: Europe LH Education: College and school magazines and papers LT Education: Textbooks M Music ML Music: Literature of music MT Music: Musical instruction and study, Composition N Fine Arts NA Fine Arts: Architecture NB Fine Arts: Sculpture NC Fine Arts: Drawing, Design, Illustration ND Fine Arts: Painting NE Fine Arts: Print media NK Fine Arts: Decorative and Applied Arts, Decoration and Ornament NX Fine Arts: Arts in general P Language and Literatures PA Language and Literatures: Classical Languages and Literature PB Language and Literatures: General works PC Language and Literatures: Romance languages: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese PD Language and Literatures: Germanic and Scandinavian languages PE Language and Literatures: English PF Language and Literatures: West Germanic PG Language and Literatures: Slavic (including Russian), Languages and Literature PH Language and Literatures: Finno-Ugrian and Basque languages and literatures PJ Language and Literatures: Oriental languages and literatures PK Language and Literatures: Indo-Iranian literatures PL Language and Literatures: Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania PM Language and Literatures: Indigenous American and Artificial Languages PN Language and Literatures: Literature: General, Criticism, Collections PQ Language and Literatures: Romance literatures: French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese PR Language and Literatures: English literature PS Language and Literatures: American and Canadian literature PT Language and Literatures: Germanic, Scandinavian, and Icelandic literatures PZ Language and Literatures: Juvenile belles lettres Q Science QA Science: Mathematics QB Science: Astronomy QC Science: Physics QD Science: Chemistry QE Science: Geology QH Science: Natural history QH301 Science: Biology QK Science: Botany QL Science: Zoology QM Science: Human anatomy QP Science: Physiology QR Science: Microbiology R Medicine RA Medicine: Public aspects of medicine RB Medicine: Pathology RC Medicine: Internal medicine RD Medicine: Surgery RE Medicine: Ophthalmology RF Medicine: Otorhinolaryngology RG Medicine: Gynecology and obstetrics RJ Medicine: Pediatrics RK Medicine: Dentistry RL Medicine: Dermatology RM Medicine: Therapeutics, Pharmacology RS Medicine: Pharmacy and materia medica RT Medicine: Nursing RV Medicine: Botanic, Thomsonian, and eclectic medicine RX Medicine: Homeopathy RZ Medicine: Other systems of medicine S Agriculture SB Agriculture: Plant culture SD Agriculture: Forestry SF Agriculture: Animal culture SH Agriculture: Aquaculture, Fisheries, Angling SK Agriculture: Hunting sports T Technology TA Technology: Engineering and Civil engineering TC Technology: Ocean engineering TD Technology: Environmental technology, Sanitary engineering TE Technology: Highway engineering, Roads and pavements TF Technology: Railroad engineering and operation TG Technology: Bridge engineering TH Technology: Building construction TJ Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery TK Technology: Electrical, Electronics and Nuclear engineering TL Technology: Motor vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics TN Technology: Mining engineering, Metallurgy TP Technology: Chemical technology TR Technology: Photography TS Technology: Manufactures TT Technology: Handicrafts, Arts and crafts TX Technology: Home economics U Military science UA Military science: Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation UB Military science: Military administration UC Military science: Maintenance and transportation UD Military science: Infantry UE Military science: Cavalry, Armor UF Military science: Artillery UG Military science: Military engineering UH Military science: Other services V Naval science VA Naval science: Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation VB Naval science: Naval administration VE Naval science: Marines VF Naval science: Naval ordnance VG Naval science: Minor services of navies VK Naval science: Navigation, Merchant marine VM Naval science: Naval architecture, Shipbuilding, Marine engineering Z Bibliography, Library science 153554b96e