Communications relating to the products and Email List services of third parties with respect to the Joint Controllers who belong to the manufacturing, services (in particular ICT) and trade branch, with automated and traditional methods of contact by the Email List third parties themselves, to whom the data are communicated. Telco for Italy 2021 turns the spotlight on strategic issues, on things done but above all to do. In four events, from 6 to 27 May.
Prominent personalities (university professors, politicians, representatives Email List of associations and companies in the sector, innovation and digital experts) will take stock of the resources deployed for ultra-broadband and 5G and above all on Email List public and private lines of action. Telco first: the recipe for ultra-broadband “Telco first: the recipe for the ultra-broadband” is the title of the first appointment of the Telco event for Italy to be held on Thursday 6 May from 5 to 7 pm .
The theme of the meeting : public funds and Email List private investments, the new gray area plan, the push towards fixed-wireless. Co-investment and partnership the keystones? After the greetings and the opening of Mila Fiordalisi , CorCom Director, there will be a round table with: Andrea Rangone , President of Digital360; Franco Accordino , Head Unit Email List in High-Capacity Networks EU Commission; Antonello Giacomelli , Commissioner of the Communications Authority; Marco Bellezza , Chief Executive Officer of Infratel; Cesare Avenia , President of Confindustria Digitale.